On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:00:08 -0700, you wrote:

>I have something like this:
>while (<FILE>)
>   if (/<TAG>/ .. /<\/TAG>/)
>   {
>       # process line
>   }
>I got this from http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/06/18/variables.html.
>My special wrinkle is, I want to process certain sections of a file, but 
>only if that section passes certain criteria.
>I want to be able to begin processing lines, but I want to be able to 
>turn processing off and jump to the next <TAG> should the script 
>encounter a line containing, say, the tag <PDF>.

There's no magic way to "reset" the range operator. You could add some
sort of flag, such as this (untested):

my $skip;
while (<FILE>)
   if (my $tags = /<TAG>/ .. /<\/TAG>/)
       $skip = 0 if $tags == 1;   # reset flag upon seeing <TAG>
       $skip = 1 if /<PDF>/;
       next if $skip;
       # process line

Read the description in perlop for further details.

You could also not use the range operator at all; I'll leave the code
for that to you.
Eric Amick
Columbia, MD
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