
Below is code from "Perl and LWP" by Sean Burke. Run it from the command 
line with " -gk It seems that it's going to be a fine day." as arguments. 
The goal is to translate to Greek and back. Doing so manually at the site it 
uses yields "It appears that it is to be one thin day." Apparently the site 
has changed since the book came out, so it doesn't work.

I have several questions.

What is "require 5"???

On about line 12 I added, "#print "XXX"; <>;" When you take off the comment 
marker how does that mess up the command line arguments???

What needs to be changed to make it work?



# Example code from Chapter 2 of /Perl and LWP/ by Sean M. Burke

require 5;
use strict;
use warnings;

#print "XXX"; <>;

my $lang;

if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-(\w\w)$/s)        {
  # If the language is specified as a switch like "-fr"
  $lang = lc $1;
  shift @ARGV;                                  }
else                                            {
  # Otherwise just pick a language at random:
  my @languages = qw(it fr de es ja pt);
  # I.e.: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Portugese.
  $lang = $languages[rand @languages];

die "What to translate?\n" unless @ARGV;
my $in = join(' ', @ARGV);

print " => via $lang => ",
    translate($in, 'en_' . $lang),
    $lang . '_en'
  ), "\n";


sub translate {
  my ($text, $language_path) = @_;

  my ($content, $message, $is_success) = do_POST(
    [ 'urltext' => $text, 'lp' => $language_path, 'enc' => 'utf8' ],

  die "Error in translation $language_path: $message\n"
   unless $is_success;

  if ($content =~ m{<textarea.*?>(.*?)</textarea>}is) {
    my $translation;
    $translation = $1;

    # Trim whitespace:
    $translation =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $translation =~ s/^ //s;
    $translation =~ s/ $//s;
    return $translation;
  } else {
    die "Can't find translation in response to $language_path";

use LWP;
my $browser;
sub do_POST {
  # Parameters:
  #  the URL,
  #  an arrayref or hashref for the key/value pairs,
  #  and then, optionally, any header lines: (key,value, key,value)
  $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new() unless $browser;
  my $resp = $browser->post(@_);
  return ($resp->content, $resp->status_line, $resp->is_success, $resp)
    if wantarray;
  return unless $resp->is_success;
  return $resp->content;


C:\book\code\ch02>perl "It was more fun than a barrel of 
=> via it => It was more divertimento that a keg of the monkeys

C:\book\code\ch02>perl -de "Guess what! I'm a computer!"
=> via de => Assumption which! I am a computer!



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