> From: "Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Strawberry Perl Bugs Report
> This is probably *not* the best place to report problems with Strawberry
> Perl - I don't think there are many here who have any involvement with that
> project. There's http://win32.perl.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:Main_Page
> or you could post to perlmonks where you'd be liklely to attract the
> attention of people more actively involved with the Strawberry project (so
> long as "Strawberry" appears in the subject line).

I've subscribed to the digest for this list on the off-chance that
there's some relevant traffic on Vanilla/Strawberry Perl.  (Hi, for
those who don't know me, I'm the current release manager for that

Most of the Vanilla/Strawberry discussion is happening on the
win32.perl.org wiki. In particular, the "Vanilla Perl Problem Modules"
page has a long list of win32-specific module issues.  It's the first
place to check, generally.


There are also usually some people hanging around on #win32 at
irc.perl.org who can answer some questions.

> From: Michael Papet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Strawberry Perl Bugs Report
> Platform: WinXP SP2, totally up to date.
> Install went okay except for environment paths were
> not set so dmake didn't work in cpan right away.

Strange that the installer failed in that regard, as it should
configure the environment.  Can you give any other details about your
setup that might be unusual?  Were you running as a user with
administrator permissions?

David Golden
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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