I need to connect to a TCP server that uses a protocol called fix (financial
information exchange)
Basically the server receives a text string and answers with a text string
The protocol is pretty simple, and it consists in a series of fields
separated by the char alt+1:☺

It is supposed that I will receive an answer from the server that should be:
$message2="8=FIX.4.0.c☺35=A☺52=10/24/2006 10:30:34 AM☺100=PFG☺";
The server talks TCP, as stated by its owner, and it can be accessed at some
ip and some port.

Well, trying to keep it simple, I wrote this script:

use IO::Socket;

$handle = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto     => "tcp",
                                PeerAddr  => $host,
                                PeerPort  => $port,
#                              Reuse    => "1",
#                              Listen => "1",
                                Type     => SOCK_STREAM)
or die "can't connect to port $port on $host: $!";

$handle->autoflush(1);              # so output gets there right away
print STDERR "[Connected to $host:$port]\n";
#up to here, the connection worked fine
if($handle){print "ok, it worked!\n";}

#now I write to the socket:
print $handle $message1;

#now I hope to get the answer
print $response;
#I should have received the same as $message2. Instead, the run hangs and
nothing happen.

Am I doing the right thing to enter in conversation with an TCP server?

Thank you to anyone that can shed some litght. Maybe I should ask something
more to the server owner? What?


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