Wong, Danny H. wrote:

> Hi Perl GURU's,
>       In my Perl script, I read a text file and parse each line
> delimited by the first "=" character and create environment variables
> for each line of data. My question is: is there a way to expand the
> environment variable when trying to assign an environment variable value
> as part of the line of data?
> Example:
> Text file example:
> DB_ID="tst"
> #
> #
> MODIFIED_TIME=-3:0:0:0
> #
> $ENV{'CREATEDINQUALIFIER'} gives me "created_in=$ENV{'LOCAL_DB_ID'}"
> value. I'll like it to receive the following value "created_in=tst"; 
> Any suggestions?

Quit CCing all the people - just write to the list.
You could use eval on it:

use strict;
use warnings;

# Given:
$ENV{LOCAL_DB_ID} = 'tst';
my $value = 'created_in=$ENV{\'LOCAL_DB_ID\'}';
print "\$key='$key', \$value='$value'\n";

# evaluate the value:
eval qq{\$ENV{$key} = "$value"};        # this handles your need
print "\$ENV{$key} = $ENV{$key}\n"

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