Hi everybody,
I guess I still have a problem with my reading of
tar.gz files. Everything work juuuust great with the
code below until I happened to hit a corrupted file
and I can't see a way to jump over it. My point is
that in a list with hundreds of tar.gz files all of
them are valid, less one (of small size which also
happens to be quite at the top of the list) which
makes the script to go kaboom.

&File::Find::find( sub {
 #traversing a file structure
 if($_ =~/\.tar\.gz/)
   #if you found a tar.gz file - open and read
   #build an Archive::Tar object 
   my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($_);
   my @files = $tar->list_files() or die "Can't read
TAR.GZ file!\n";
   #go thru the array and look for the pattern
   foreach my $tar_member (@files)
     if($tar_member =~/$search_pattern/)
        print "\nI FOUND 1 file!\n";
        #must extract the found file from the archive
        $tar->extract_file($tar_member, $some_path);
}, $search_directory);

So, the problem is that my script gets to the line
with my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($_); but starts to
print error messages like:
Couldn't read chunk at offset unknown at C:\path\to
Illegal octal digit '9' ignored at
C:/Perl/site/lib/Archive/Tar/File.pm line 206 and so
on ...

Is there a way to verify the validity of the Tar (or
the file) BEFORE I call the new for the Archive::Tar
object and in case the file is not valid allow to skip
it? By the way, when I try to open the said tar.gz,
WinZip reports :Invalid Archive Directory!

Thanks a bunch,

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