Thanks for your feedback.  I was hoping that there was a way around the
issue of the formula not being evaluated when the spreadsheet was

I have created spreadsheets with both Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and
Win32::OLE.  I chose to use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel because it creates
the spreadsheets much more quickly than Win32::OLE. In parallel with
requesting assistance from the this  support group, I wrote a Win32::OLE
routine to open the spreadsheet files created by
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, read the '=SUMIF()' statements and write them
back to the spreadsheet.  This fix appears to work and should correct
the formula evaluation process.  

I was hoping to avoid using this approach because I have some other
plans for spreadsheets that would be created on a *NIX box and did not
want to have to go through a WIN32 platform to correct any spreadsheets
that were generated.

Again, Thanks for the feedback.

Ron Nichols

Ronald G. Nichols
Director of Information Technology
Knouse Foods Cooperative
717 677-7111 Ext. 3470

-----Original Message-----
From: Lyndon Rickards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 1:33 PM
To: Nichols, Ron
Subject: Re: Assistance with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Formula

Nichols, Ron wrote:
> I am generating a spreadsheet using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
> is working fine except a formula containing =SUMIF(A5:A10,
> The formula gets generated correctly in the spreadsheet but in order
> get the resulting value to be displayed in the cell, you have to edit 
> the cell (i.e., click in the edit bar, hit enter).  After performing
> edit (without changing anything), the formula is evaluated correctly
> displays the value.
> Is there any way to get the formula to evaluate without having to edit

> the cell?  The spreadsheets that I am creating are locked so the user 
> cannot make changes to the formulas.  The script that creates the 
> spreadsheet will create hundreds of spreadsheets each time it is run.
> I have attempted to force a recalculation of the spreadsheet from
> Excel but that does not solve the issue.
> The version of the module as shown from PPM query is:  
> Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Simple [0.03] A simple single-sheet Excel
> Your assistance is appreciated.
> *//**//**/Ronald G. Nichols/*
> */Director of Information Technology/*
> */Knouse Foods Cooperative/*
> */717 677-7111 Ext. 3470/*
> *//**//*

Spreadsheet::WriteExcel is an excellent module especially if you need
to create sn excel file on a *nix box, but AFAIK you have hit a 
limitation of the module.

Suggest you consider switching to Win32::OLE which, as it is directly 
driving Excel, will provide what you need.

The syntax isn't so very different to convert from your 
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel script so far - I have made the conversion many 
times myself. Short example -

#!perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
use Win32::OLE qw(in with);

$Win32::OLE::Warn = 1;
my $Excel = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application'); #, 'Quit');
$Excel->{'Visible'} = 1;

my $xlFile = "e:/testing2/book.xls";
unlink($xlFile) if(-e $xlFile);
$Excel->{SheetsInNewWorkbook} = 1;
my $workbook = $Excel->Workbooks->Add();
print "$xlFile\n";

my $sheet = $workbook->Worksheets(1);
$sheet->{Name} = "My_Sheet";

my $col = "A";
my $row = 1;

foreach('Col1', 'Col2', 'Total' ) {
         $sheet->Range($col . $row)->{Font}->{Bold} = 1;
         $sheet->Range($col . $row)->{Value} = $_;

$row += 1;

for(my $x = 10, my $y = 15; $y < 100; $x++, $y+= 3) {
      $sheet->Range("A". $row)->{Value} = $x;
      $sheet->Range("B". $row)->{Value} = $y;
      $sheet->Range("C". $row)->{Value} = "=SUM(A" .$row ."+B" .$row .
$Excel->ActiveWorkbook->SaveAs({Filename => $xlFile});

HTH - Lynn.

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