
I have been using Perl to read/write databases/tables in a third party 
application using DBD::ODBC and the Visual Foxpro 6 ODBC driver. 

Everything works OK most of the time but I am running into problems (documented 
by Microsoft) with the VFP ODBC driver throwing up connection errors every so 
often. While a browser refresh or two overcomes the problem this is not really 
satisfactory. The connection string I was using:

$user = "";  $password = "";
$dsno2 = "driver=Microsoft Visual FoxPro 
unless ($do = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$dsno2",$user,$password, { odbc_cursortype 
=> 2, ChopBlanks => true, LongReadLen => 65536, LongTruncOk => 0 })) {
   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
   print "Error: couldn't connect to Opera II... Error no:" . $DBI::err . " -
 " . $DBI::errstr . "<br>\n";

I have upgraded the third party application to the latest version which now 
uses VFP 9, primarily to overcome the known problem with the ODBC driver. Can 
anyone help with an OLE DB connection string, please?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Phil Brewer

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