Howard Maher wrote:
> I was simply counting the number of lines in a 2 gig file, printing to STDERR 
> every 10,000 lines to indicate the program was making progress, but the 
> program stopped at 12,960,000 lines read... an hour and a half later it still 
> hadn't budged...  
> What kind of memory issue could I have hit?
> This is a Windows 2000 box with 512 Meg of RAM.
> Code that was executing:
> open(INPUT,"$infilename") or die "couldn't open $infilename for read, stopped 
> at: $!";
> my $line_num;
> while ( <INPUT> )
> {
>     $line_num++;
>     print STDERR "$line_num\r" unless $line_num%10000;
> } 

This code takes 5 secs on my AMD 64 3200+.  There should be no way this
would hang and memory shouldn't be an issue since you're only reading a
line at a time unless you have some sort of real system problem.  You
could add a binmode IN just to avoid any newline issues and see
if it makes a difference.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $infilename = 'E:/tmp/registry-03-19-05.txt'; # ASCII registry dump

open IN, $infilename or die "open $infilename: $! ($^E)";
# binmode IN;   # try this also

my $pt0 = Win32::GetTickCount ();       # start timer

my $lines;
while (<IN>) {
        print STDERR "$lines\r" unless $lines % 10000;
close IN;

printf STDERR "\nFound %u lines in %.3f seconds\n", $lines,
   (Win32::GetTickCount () - $pt0) / 1000;


Found 1025713 lines in 5.250 seconds
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