On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> Thanks for the response. But cp850 and cp1252 are not Unicode, but
> byte-size subset. That allows translation of codes common to both
> subsets to be displayed properly on the default console (which uses
> code page 850) in spite of cp1252 being the default code page for
> windows programs.

I think `cmd /u` only switches the output of cmd.exe *internal*
commands to Unicode *if* you are redirecting the output and not
displaying it on the console.  E.g.

    cmd /u /c dir > dir.lst

will write dir.lst in UCS2.

To display Unicode characters in the console window, you must use
a TTF font like "Lucida Console" because the raster fonts don't
contain all the codepoints.  Then you can switch the codepage to

    chcp 65001

I think there is a problem with running batch files if you switch
to the UTF8 codepage (which isn't really documented to work).

Here is a list of requirements that must be met for a font to
be used with cmd.exe:



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