Hi all:

I was trying to use the module Inline::Java unsuccessfully.
The code was:

   use Inline Java => <<'END_OF_JAVA_CODE' ;
      class Pod_alu {
         public Pod_alu(){

         public int add(int i, int j){
            return i + j ;

         public int subtract(int i, int j){
            return i - j ;

   my $alu = new Pod_alu() ;
   print($alu->add(9, 16) . "\n") ; # prints 25
   print($alu->subtract(9, 16) . "\n") ; # prints -7

And the problem so far seems to be the END_OF_JAVA_CODE.
As the error was:

C:\Documents and Settings\asantillan\Desktop\perl>inlinejava.pl
Can't find string terminator "END_OF_JAVA_CODE" anywhere before EOF at
nts and Settings\asantillan\Desktop\perl\inlinejava.pl line 6.

I've tried something simpler as:

use strict; use warnings;
use Inline Java => <<'EOJ';
public class Hi {
        // The class body is shown in the Java Code above

my $greeter = Hi->new("howdy");
print $greeter->getGreeting(), "\n"

with the same results:

C:\Documents and Settings\asantillan\Desktop\perl>inlinejava2.pl
Can't find string terminator "EOJ" anywhere before EOF at C:\Documents and
ngs\asantillan\Desktop\perl\inlinejava2.pl line 4.

Any idea what's going on?

Thank you all. Alejandro

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