Any one is using File::Remove, and on multi byte platform?

I'm using it on WindowsXP with Shift-JIS, a code for Japanese.
And I can't remove a directory named "Japan"(\x93\xfa, \x96\x7b).
Also it's return code is true.
I know "\x7b" means "{".

C:\>perl -MFile::Remove=remove -le "$File::Remove::debug++; print (remove 
missing: @@__

This is a result treated by File::Glob::bsd_glob.

Some scripts not using wild card goes OK with BEGIN block:
  use File::Remove qw(remove);
  no warnings 'redefine';
  *File::Remove::expand = sub { @_ };
# Thanks for "Mastering Perl", Chapter 10.

I have not yet making scripts with Unicode.


Japan As Forever!
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