The WMI class you'd probably want to talk to is

Change this line:

our $drives = $wmi->ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk");

To read: 

our $drives = $wmi->ExecQuery("Select * from
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = 1");

And then use this documentation (below) to get this script (in the
thread) pulling all of the correct properties..


Download this script:

And run it like so...

perl computername Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration

My script won't do the "where ipenabled = 1" (in it's current

But that would help you figure out all the properties that are exposed
and how they read in your specific environment.

I have a version that allows for where clauses (but I just haven't
uploaded it to Mr Roth's site).


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Steve Howard (PFE)
        Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 8:53 AM
        To: Ankit Mehrotra; Foo JH
        Subject: RE: reading the Network Interface Card(NIC) name

        You can access WMI via Perl pretty much the same way you would
any other automation object. I haven't used it to enumerate the NICs the
way you want to do, but a quick and dirty example of using WMI in Perl
is one I wrote to enumerate drives. You can probably use the windows
scripting help to find the objects for the NICs.


        An example of using Perl with WMI:




        use Win32;

        use Win32::OLE qw( in );

        *error = *Win32::OLE::LastError;


        my $wmi = Win32::OLE->GetObject("Winmgmts:");

        die error() if error();


        our $drives = $wmi->ExecQuery("Select * from

        die error() if error();


        foreach my $drive (in( $drives ))


                       print "drive name: $drive->{Name}\n";

                       print "filesystem: $drive->{FileSystem}\n";

                       print "Drive size: $drive->{Size}\n";

                       print "Drive freespace: $drive->{FreeSpace}\n";

                       print "Drive type: $drive->{DriveType}\n";

                       print "\n\n";




        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ankit Mehrotra
        Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:48 AM
        To: Foo JH
        Subject: Re: reading the Network Interface Card(NIC) name


        I am not very well versed in wmi. Is there some other means of
doing it preferably using perl !! 

        Foo JH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

        08/27/2007 12:37 PM 


                Ankit Mehrotra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 




                Re: reading the Network Interface Card(NIC) name



        If you're doing this via Windows, you can go via WMI.
        Google: wmi win32_networkadapter
        Ankit Mehrotra wrote:
        > Hi all,
        > I want to read the names of the NIC's of a  blade server. Is
there any 
        > ready made package through which I can read them ?
        > Thanks
        > Ankit
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