Steve wrote as a deprecated top post:
  > $Bill wrote:
  >> Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  >>> [almost working code]
  >> Try:
  >>   > $^I = '~'; no warnings 'once';
  >> while (<>) { binmode ARGVOUT if $. == 1; print; }
  >The following worked -- didn't need to turn off warnings.
  >   #!/usr/bin/perl
  >   BEGIN {(*STDERR = *STDOUT) || die;}
  >   use diagnostics;
  >   use warnings;
  >   use strict;
  >   $| = 1;
  >   $^I = '~';
  >   while (<>)
  >   {
  >     binmode ARGVOUT if $. == 1;        s/\r\n$/\n/;
  >     print;
  >   }
  >And the one-liner becomes:
  >   perl -i~ -pe  "binmode ARGVOUT if $.==1; s/\r\n$/\n/;" <dossy files>
  > What about Ctrl-Z?  Ctrl-Z at the end of a DOS file is another
  > difference between DOS and Unix files.

  Not sure.  The VIM text editor, by default, includes an
  end-of-file marker on any OS.

  Wouldn't a text file in unix format on Windows still have a
  Windows end-of-file marker?

  How do you know whether or not a file has an end-of-file marker
  and if it does, what the marker is (^Z? ^D? something else?).

  Did you try either version of the perl code on a dossy file, and
  if so, did the end-of-file marker vanish?  
  Please provide examples of a dossy file and two unix'ified
  versions it, one with the end-of-file maker and the other without.



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