
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Daniel Burgaud
        Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 14:49
        To: perl-win32-users@listserv.activestate.com
        Subject: PerlTk: problem with notebook and canvas
        Is it possible to create "Notebooks" of Canvas?
        use Tk;
        require Tk::BrowseEntry;
        require Tk::ROText;
        require Tk::NoteBook;
        my $mw = MainWindow->new( -bg => "#000000" ); 
        $frames{main}    =
tivebackground=>"#808080")->pack(-expand => 1,-fill => 'both',-side =>
        foreach my $pair (qw/Pair1 Pair2 Pair3 Pair4 Pair5/) {
            $frames{tab}{$pair}    = $frames{main}->add($pair,
            $frames{canvas}{$pair}    = $frames{tab}{$pair}->Canvas(
-width => 400, -height => 635, -background => 'black',)->pack(-side =>
        $charts{$pair}{grid}{$price} =
$frames{canvas}{$pair}->createLine(0,50,615,50, -fill => "#404040");
        Compiles ok, but the last code keeps giving me this error:
        Can't call method "createLine" on an undefined value at chart.pl
line 105.
        If I remove the "Notebook" codes the script runs ok.
        What I wanted to do is create a TK, create notebooks and each of
these "tabs" are canvases where I draw charts.
        I don't do that much tk, but here is yours with what you gave
and using strict/warnings. I alos created the frames with a different
color for each. Like I said, I don't have a real understanding of tk,
but it is part of Perl, so here is simple start and others can give me
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Tk;
        require Tk::BrowseEntry;
        require Tk::ROText;
        require Tk::NoteBook;
        my %frames = ();
        my %charts = ();
        my $pair;
        my $MyIdx = 0;
        my @MyColor = qw(green red blue yellow white);
        my $mw = MainWindow->new( -bg => "#000000" ); 
        $frames{main}    =
tivebackground=>"#808080")->pack(-expand => 1,-fill => 'both',-side =>
        foreach $pair (qw/Pair1 Pair2 Pair3 Pair4 Pair5/) {
            $frames{tab}{$pair}    = $frames{main}->add($pair,
            $frames{canvas}{$pair}    = $frames{tab}{$pair}->Canvas(
-width => 400, -height => 635, -background =>
$MyColor[$MyIdx++],)->pack(-side => 'top'); 
            $charts{$pair}{grid}{$pair} =
$frames{canvas}{$pair}->createLine(0,50,615,50, -fill => "#404040");

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