ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1000 Beta,
a beta release of the complete, ready-to-install Perl distribution for
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and AIX.

This build is based on the first release candidate of the Perl 5.10
source code.  Since Perl 5.10 is not yet complete, this build
is designated as a Beta and will be followed by a final build once
Perl 5.10 is officially released.

Please use this beta build to try out new features in Perl 5.10 and to
test source level compatibility of your existing Perl code under this
new release (note that Perl 5.10 is not binary compatible to earlier

For detailed information or to download this beta release, see:

New in ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1000 Beta

Some exciting new features to look for:

* The new switch statement and smart-match operator

  The new smart-matching operator ~~ compares two expressions with each
  other; the exact nature of the match is being determined by the types of
  both expressions: matching a string and hash will return if the hash
  contains a key equal to the string; matching a regular expression
  against an array will return if any element of the array matched
  successfully against the regexp etc.

  The new switch statement will smart-match a single expression repeatedly
  against a list of other expression until one matches. For example:

    given($foo) {
        when ("foo") {
            say '$foo is the string "foo"';
        when ([1,3,5,7,9]) {
            say '$foo is an odd digit';
            continue; # Fall through
        when ($_ < 100) {
            say '$foo is numerically less than 100';
        default {
            die q(I don't know what to do with $foo);

* Defined-or operator

  The new defined-or operator // allows you to write

    $a // $b

  instead of repeating the first argument as in

    defined $a ? $a : $b

  Also the statement

    $c //= $d;

  can now be used instead of

    $c = $d unless defined $c;
* Many improvements to the regular expression engine, including:

  The regular expression engine is no longer recursive, meaning that
  patterns that used to overflow the stack will either die with useful
  explanations, or run to completion, which, since they were able to blow
  the stack before, will likely take a very long time to happen.

  - It is now possible to write recursive patterns that are easy to read 
    (for a regular expression), and are executed in an efficient manner.

  - It is now possible to name capturing parenthesis in a pattern and
    refer to the captured contents by name. The naming syntax is
    (?<NAME>....). It's possible to backreference to a named buffer with
    the \k<NAME> syntax. After the match the named capture groups are
    accessible via the %+ hash:

        my $value = "foo 42";
        if ($value =~ /^(?<name>\w+) \s* (?<number>\d+)$/x) {
            say "Name $+{name} and Number $+{number}";

  - possessive quantifiers
  - backtracking control verbs
  - relative backreferences

Other new features include:

* new say() function 
* lexical $_ variable 
* _ prototype 
* UNITCHECK blocks 
* state variables 
* stacked filetest operators 
* byte-order modifiers for pack() and unpack() 

* Many bug fixes 
* Additional core modules 
* Extended documentation

Download ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1000 Beta now:

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will help you get the most from ActivePerl.

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