[] On Behalf Of
Spencer Chase
Sent: 01 April 2009 01:44
Subject: running a dos program from perl

> Greetings Perl-win32-users,
> I need to run a dos program with parameters about 1500 times with
different parameter sets. I have a perl 
> script that creates batch files with the program call and parameters
and these work fine. I am trying to find a > way to automatically run
all the batch files. The dos program also requires confirmation from the
keyboard 7 
> time to run to completion. If I run the program from a batch file I
just need to hit "enter" 7 times before the > first one is needed and
the program runs to completion so the keystrokes are buffered and used
by the program 
> appropriately. 
> Is there any way to run this program from perl and have the perl
script supply the 7 required enters? I don't 
> understand enough about threads and processes to figure out how this
might be done. I have tried calling the 
> batch files using system, backticks and system and can not get even

I suggest taking a look at 'perldoc perlipc', as well as  'perldoc
IPC::Open2' and 'perldoc IPC::Open3'. Installing IPC::Cmd and/or
IPC::Run may help simplify things a bit.


Brian Raven 

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