This message is going to the CAM::PDF author as well as the
ActiveState perl-win32-users mail list.

For about two years, I've been running a program that uses CAM::PDF to
break a PDF file into individual pages and processes each page using a
utility distrubuted with CAM::PDF,, to extract a text
image of each page and perform further processing on it. After
installing perl 5.10 and 1.52 of CAM::PDF, no longer
works. It reports no errors, but returns no text to my program.
Although I hadn't until now run directly from the command
line, since it's behavior changed when executed with qx in my program,
I've run it from the command line with the same result -- nothing
printed to SYSOUT. I've also run the debugger on, but
I've been unable to spot where anything is going wrong.

Here are a few lines from my program surrounding the execution of

               use strict;
               use warnings;

        my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new($checks) || die "$CAM::PDF::errstr\n";
        if (!$pdf->extractPages($pagenum))
        {die "Failed to extract page number $pagenum\n";}       
        if (!$pdf->canModify())
        {die "This PDF forbids modification\n";}

        logit("output name is $thisCheck\n",$silent);
        if (!$pdf->cleanoutput("$thisCheck")) {
           log_and_die("CAM PDF ERROR: $CAM::PDF::errstr\n".
                              "cleanoutput Failed to output page 
        @renderedText=qx{ --verbose
--renderer=CAM::PDF::Renderer::Text "$thisCheck" 1};
        if ($? == -1)
           { log_and_die(" failed to execute: $!\n",-79); }
                elsif (($? >> 8)!=0)
                  { log_and_die(" exited with value ".($?
>> 8),-78) }

I've compared the 1.52 version of to the 1.13 version and
there are no differences except the version number and an apparently
inconsequential change in an eval.

                 eval "require $opts{renderer}";  ## no critic for string eval
                 if ($EVAL_ERROR)
                    die $EVAL_ERROR;

                if (!eval "require $opts{renderer}")  ## no critic (StringyEval)
                    die $EVAL_ERROR;

I'm hopeful that the author will have time to take a look at this or
that someone who subscribes to the mailing list has an idea how I
might proceed to debug this.


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