Phillip Richcreek wrote:

> I'd like to get hold of a version of CAM::PDF prior to 1.13. 1.52 and
> 1.13 are available, but I can't find a repository that advertises
> anything prior to 1.13. I tried the ones in PPM::REPOSITORY that have
> '5.6' in their description (thinking that if they still have 5.6 perl
> they might also have older versions of things like CAM::PDF) and all
> of those failed when I tried to add them with ppm:gui.
> I want the older version so that I can do comparison with 1.52 to
> troubleshoot a problem I'm having with CAM::PDF:Renderer::Text (see
> earlier post if interested!).
> Any idea where I might be able to find the older version?

You can make it yourself, it's easy: CPAN has 1.12 and other versions,
It's pure perl and it uses Module::Build so you don't even have to have "make".

Just download, untar/ungzip, run "perl Build.PL", "Build test" and "Build 

Serguei Trouchelle
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