You could also have used Win32::Eventlog::Message.

Much easier, less hassle. If you could post working samples of code I would 
appreciate it.  I never could get the perlmonks linked  info to work properly 
for me.


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 6/22/2009 at 7:46 PM Brian H. Oak wrote:

>Thanks for the direction, it was exactly the information I was hoping to
>find.  Even with this required information, it took me about a week to iron
>out little idiosyncrasies and end up with a functioning product.
>Best regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Leighton [] 
>Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 10:06
>To: Brian H. Oak
>Subject: Re: Registering message DLL for Win32::EventLog
>You just need to add registry values under the EventLog service registry
>indicating where to find your source's message file.
>See for the gory details.
>Mark Leighton
>CLIC LAN Supervisor, Information Commons, University of Toronto
>E-mail: mark{DOT}leighton{AT}
>-------- Original Message  --------
>Subject: Registering message DLL for Win32::EventLog
>From: Brian H. Oak <>
>Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:34:17 PM
>> I have created and compiled my own message table DLL, and I am trying to
>> figure out how to register it so that Windows Event Log will use it for
>> Event ID lookup for events that are sourced from my application.
>> I am familiar with Win32::EventLog::Message by Dave Roth, but it will
>> register its own Message.DLL file.  I tried replacing that file with my
>> but Roth's Message.DLL file apparently contains some required XS code as
>> well.  In addition to that problem, I have to wonder if Roth's module
>> publish correctly with my PerlSvc application.
>> I have both of Dave Roth's Win32 Perl books, and he hints in one about
>> rolling your own message DLL and registering it for use.  But it's only a
>> hint and no specifics are provided.  The POD for Win32::EventLog contains
>> this cryptic sentence: "The EventID field should contain the ID of the
>> message that this event pertains too. This assumes that you have an
>> associated message file (indirectly referenced by the field Source)."
>> So I know that I need a message DLL to be registered or associated with
>> event source.  I have gone to great lengths to compile just such a file
>> my own.  I simply can't figure out how to register the file in which I
>> invested so much time and effort.  Will someone please show me the light?
>> Thank you,
>> -Brian
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