
I have a Frame and within this Frame, I have 2 more Frames:

$mainFrame = $mw->Frame()->pack(-expand=>1, fill = 'both');

$frameLeft = $mainFrame->Frame( -borderwidth => 1, width => 50, )->pack(
-side => 'left',  -expand => 1, -fill => 'y');
$frameRight = $mainFrame->Frame( -borderwidth => 1, )->pack( -side =>
'right', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both');

How come the sub frames isnt filling the whole mainFrame?
Why? What option/method must I use to force these two sub frames to fill the

I also tried it within a Notebook (instead of main Frame) with same effect:

$mainFrame = $TK{'notebook'}->add('item',        -label => ' Main Frame ');
$frameLeft = $mainFrame->Frame( -borderwidth => 1, width => 50, )->pack(
-side => 'left',  -expand => 1, -fill => 'y');
$frameRight = $mainFrame->Frame( -borderwidth => 1, )->pack( -side =>
'right', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both');

Need Help. Thanks!

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