I have this test script below.

A toplevel containing a button that invokes another toplevel.
The first time I invoke this second window, all works fine and returns
properly without error.

however, when I reenter again (clicking on "Get Number" button) I get this
error message.

Tk::Error: not a Tk object
 Tk::die_with_trace at x.pl line 46
 main::AddNumber at x.pl line 66
 main::__ANON__ at C:/Perl/lib/Tk.pm line 252
 (eval) at C:/Perl/lib/Tk.pm line 252
 Tk::__ANON__ at C:/Perl/lib/Tk/Button.pm line 111
 Tk::Button::butUp at x.pl line 79
 (eval) at x.pl line 79
 main::GetNumber at x.pl line 17
 main::__ANON__ at C:/Perl/lib/Tk.pm line 252
 (eval) at C:/Perl/lib/Tk.pm line 252
 Tk::__ANON__ at C:/Perl/lib/Tk/Button.pm line 111
 Tk::Button::butUp at x.pl line 20
 (eval) at x.pl line 20
 Tk callback for .toplevel.frame.button5
 Tk::__ANON__ at C:/Perl/lib/Tk.pm line 252
 Tk::Button::butUp at C:/Perl/lib/Tk/Button.pm line 111
 (command bound to event)

Hoping for help.


use strict;
use Tk;
use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep);
my $BGColor0 = "#D8D0C8";
my $BGColor1 = "#D0D0D0";
my $BGColor2 = "#808080";
my $BGColor3 = "#5090C0";
my $BGColor4 = "#4070A0";
my $BGColor5 = "#80C080";
my $BGColor6 = "#408040";
my $BGColor7 = "#FFFFFF";
my $BGColor8 = "#E0E0E0";
my $BGColor9 = "#FF8080";

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->Button(-text => "Get Number",-command => sub {&GetNumber('Enter
Number')})->pack( );

while(1) {
    usleep 5000;

sub GetNumber {
    my $title = shift;
    my %t;
    my $number = 0;
    my $flag = 1;

    sub AddNumber {
        my $key = shift;
        if ('0123456789' =~ $key) {
            $number .= $key;
        } elsif ($key eq 'period' && $number !~ /\./) {
            $number .= '.';
        } elsif ($key eq 'Return') {
            $flag = 0;
        } elsif ($key eq 'Escape') {
            $number = '';
            $flag = 0;
        } elsif ($key eq 'BackSpace') {
            chop($number) if substr($number,-1) eq '.';
    sub Keyboard {
        my $widget = shift;
        my $e = $widget->XEvent;    # get event object
        my $key = $e->K;

    $t{L0} = $mw->Toplevel(-title=>$title);
    $t{LT}    = $t{L0}->Label( -borderwidth=>2, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-fg=>'#000000', -font=>['Arial',20,'bold'], -relief=>'groove', -anchor=>"c",
-text=>$title)->pack( -side=>"top",  -expand=>1, -fill=>'x', );
    $t{LZ}    = $t{L0}->Label( -borderwidth=>4, -bg=>$BGColor7,
-fg=>'#000000', -font=>['Arial',40,'bold'], -relief=>'groove', -anchor=>"e",
)->pack( -side=>"top",  -expand=>1, -fill=>'x', );
    $t{L1}    = $t{L0}->Frame( -borderwidth=>2,  )->pack( -side=>'left',
-expand=>1, -fill=>'both');

    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "7",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('7')},
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "8",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('8')},        ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "9",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('9')},        ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "4",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('4')},
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "5",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('5')},        ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "6",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('6')},        ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "1",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('1')},
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "2",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('2')},        ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "3",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('3')},        ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "0",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('0')},
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => ".",
-font=>['Courier',30,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('period')},    ),
    $t{L1}->Button( -borderwidth=>3, -bg=>$BGColor3,
-activebackground=>$BGColor4, -width=>4, -height=>1, -text => "Enter",
-font=>['Courier',20,'bold'], -command => sub{AddNumber('Return')},    ),

    while($flag) {
        usleep 5000;
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