On Thu, 03 Sep 2009, Sisyphus wrote:
> From: "Jan Dubois" <j...@activestate.com>
>>> Is it acceptable to have those Config values specify the full path
>>> and extension ?
>> Acceptable by whom? :) The documentation doesn't really say one way
>> or the other:
> >
> > | cc (cc.U):
> > | This variable holds the name of a command to execute a C compiler which
> > | can resolve multiple global references that happen to have the same
> > | name.  Usual values are 'cc' and 'gcc'.
> > | Fervent ANSI compilers may be called 'c89'.  AIX has xlc.
> That's what I was wondering. If it's not prohibited, then it's permitted :-)

Well there you go then! :)

As a further datapoint, $Config::Config{ar} on 64-bit AIX contains not
just the commandname "ar" but even additional flags "ar -X64".

Of course that is quite a dangerous precedent, as it means we couldn't
really store pathnames with spaces in these %Config entries because
applications would know if the individual "words" would be part of a
single long pathname, or if they represented options to the command. :(


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