I am getting an error message 'sdbm store returned -1, error 22, key "rather
long key" at perlprog.pl line 54' when adding a new record to an existing
library. I had always thought that this error (22) meant that the total
record length (key + value) exceeded the 1k limit for SDBM. However there
are two reasons to doubt this. These are:


1.       The total record length is only 824 bytes, 43 of which are the key.

2.       If I start with an empty library, I can happily save this record.


I have tried to determine if the record already exists in the library (it
doesn't). I have tried to "merge the existing library with the "new" single
record library that I am able to create, but the merge process also fails
with error 22. 


Does this error stand for any other case (if so, what)? How can I get around
/ fix the problem?


Any suggestions would be most welcome.




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