I have created a GUI using the Tk "canvas" widget that contains a menu list
with two mutually exclusive menu items - say "A" and "B". When "A" is
selected, "B" should be disabled (greyed out) and vice versa. Therefore,
when the currently active option is selected, the menu list needs to be
repainted switching the active and disabled items. However, the first time
that this happens, the height of the canvas window shrinks - by about the
height of the menu tab. The height of the window remains unchanged for all
subsequent menu actions. I have printed out the variable containing the
nominated height of the window before and after making the selection and it
does not change. I can compensate for this action by making the original
window height slightly larger in the first place. However, I would rather
that the shrinkage did not happen at all. Has anyone seen this happen for
themselves and does anyone know how to prevent the window from shrinking in
the first place? 

Any suggestions would be most welcome.


Many thanks 




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