Hello again,
I have received test result from 2 people that tested the example, and 
both failed in the same way.
To clarify the previous explanation of the problem.
Its seen on the server side!
When the client has sent 63 PING's, the server stops showing the rest of 
the PING's (64-100).  They will the show up one by one, when the client 
starts to close the connections.

It seems that only 63 sockets can deliver messages to the server at one 
The other sockets are silent seen from the server.

Still - if anybody could explain why this is, I would be very happy.
So long


I have a server implemented in Perl.
It handles multiple connection with the use of "IO::Select".

All work well with the first 63 concurrent clients, but if client 64 and
upwards sends messages, they will not be seen on the server as long as
the other 63 client are connected to the server.
Is there a limit that I have hit, or whats going on?
I have tested it on Win XP, and Win Server 2003.

I have made a small demo program (based on a tutorial snippet I found)
that illustrates the problem.
It consist of one server and one client.
The client opens 100 connections. Then it starts sending "ping" on each
connection. 1-63 can be seen on the server side, but not 64-100.
Then the client starts closing the connections, and for each closed
connection, one more ping is seen on the server!

I would be very happy for an explanation!

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