Short version:
When a Cancel/Terminate event returns -1 during
Win32::GUI::DoEvents(), how can we percolate that up to the previous
DoModal() instance?

Long version:
When the script is waiting for user input via DoModal and the user
clicks Cancel or Terminates the window, we return -1 to mean "close
the window, and unwrap the stack to the calling DoModal() instance."

But what do you do when you have a processing loop that checks for
events via Win32::GUI::DoEvents, and the user clicks Cancel or
Terminate then? The -1 returns to the DoEvents call, not all the way
up to the DoModal call.

At first glance it looks like we need to $win->Hide, but that will
leave the app in a tough state -- the dialog is still active, but not
visible, and the parent window can't be reached by the user.

What's the "right" / elegant solution?

will trillich
"The ancestor of every action is a thought" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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