does anyone know how to;


a. get a TRUE ntfs directory listing?  meaning listing all of the files
and/or directories found at any given directory level?


for example if one does.






they will NOT see all files found at the root of the c drive (examples are
the files that store the NTFS volume info, such as '$MFT', etc.)




if one does a fresh install of windows, and gets the properties of the
following 'empty' directory (empty in terms of what Windows Explorer GUI
shell tell's one) C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files.  but in fact, not truly empty.  with Windows Explorer GUI
showing no files or directories (after a fresh XP install), the properties
of that folder indicate a quantity of non-normally viewable files and




if one wanted to truly copy ALL files found in, and under, the user profile


in all of these cases, there are files in existence on the NTFS volume that
Microsoft wants to hide and make difficult to access.


I was hoping that someone in this mailing list has found a tool (perl or
otherwise) that allows one to get a TRUE directory listing of all files at
any given NTFS directory level.  additionally, I would like to be able to do
an xcopy type of thing where ALL files get copied, not just those files that
Microsoft wishes to provide access to.



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