On Wed, 23 Feb 2011 16:33:49 +0100, Brian Raven <bra...@nyx.com> wrote:

>>> I remembered this morning that there is a bug tracker for ActivePerl,
>>> started to write up an error report and in doing so ended up
>>> formulating a possible for for ActiveState:
>>> http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=89447
>> It's the standard behavior of Perl.
> While autovivication is part of Perl's normal behaviour, I'm not sure
> that it is cause of this problem. The fact that un-commenting the line
> before the grep in the OP's code makes the problem go away tends to
> confirm this.
> I suspect that it is related to the Activestate overriding of Config
> ('use diagnostics' will give a stack trace) but I can't see how it
> causes that error, i.e. "%Config::Config is read-only".
> Note that inhibiting the activestate override
> ($ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_DISABLE} = 1) also seems to make the problem go
> away.
> Maybe somebody from Activestate has a clue.

Try reading the whole bug i linked. It has a detailed description of what 
happens and when and where the offending error is triggered and how it can be 


Grep makes $_ point at $Config{foo}, on first load ActivePerl::Config tries to 
load File::Basename, which triggers Exporter.pm, which goes "local $_". At THAT 
point an attempt to autovivify is made causing the whole thing to crash down.

Solution: Make sure $_ isn't pointing at %Config when Exporter.pm happens. This 
can be done as simple as this:

     map { require ActiveState::Path } 1;

(Though i'm sure more elegant solutions exist.)

With regards,
Christian Walde
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