> __DATA__
> abc0[1-9].ctr.[pad,spd].set.in
> abc[01-22].ctr.[pad,spd].set.in
> abcL[1,2,3].ctr.[pad,spd].set.in
> abcL[1,2,3].ctr.[pad,spd].set.in
> abcL[1,2,3].ctr.[70,001].set.in
> ---------------------------------------------------
> It should work for lists of ranges, and ranges of strings
> as well as numbers.
> Regarding incorporating into Getopt::Long, see the Tips and
> Tricks section of the doco.
> HTH 
> --
> Brian Raven

Thanks Brian,

This solution should work only for brackets irrespective of numbers or strings 
inside them right? The curly braces are not required it seems.

This feature is not there in Getopt::Long and can this be implemented in it or 
it is configurable from it?


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