You cannot get a Device Context either, so no drawing Either 

Am 21.09.2011 um 03:32 schrieb Justin Allegakoen 

> On 19 September 2011 10:20, Edwards, Mark (CXO) <> wrote:
> I have a simple Win32::GuiTest example where I find a Notepad window, print 
> its handle and title and then send some keys to it.   When I open Notepad and 
> the run the script I see...
> 4915356: Untitled - Notepad
>  Notepad pops up on top of other windows and "Testing 123" shows up in 
> Notepad as expected.
> Here's the problem.  I need this to work with the screen locked.  When I lock 
> the screen and give it time to run, I still get the handle and window title 
> but no keys get sent to Notepad.  It seems like it never get set as the 
> foreground window since it's not on top after I unlock the screen.
> I tried SetForegroundWindow, SetActiveWindow and SetFocus but none seems to 
> make it the current window.
> Any suggestions?
> #################################################################################
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use Win32::GuiTest qw(SetFocus SetActiveWindow FindWindowLike 
> SetForegroundWindow SendKeys GetWindowText);
> sleep 15;  #Give me time to lock the screen
> my ($winid)=FindWindowLike(0, "Notepad");
> print "$winid: ", GetWindowText($winid), "\n";
> #SetForegroundWindow($wind);
> #SetActiveWindow($winid);
> SetFocus($winid);
> sleep 3;
> SendKeys("Testing 123~");
> Based on what I googled it seems that when the screen is locked no window can 
> be set to active - it's a security feature.
> I guess for the sake of this post you've dumbed it down, but what exactly are 
> you trying to do? There may be other ways rather than GuiTest  . . .
> Just in
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