I'm writing a program where a process runs in a loop. I want to process
keyboard input without disturbing the main process in the loop. I'm
trying to use the Win32::Console module for this task (see code below),
but the module blocks on the Input statement.
Is there some way to make this non-blocking, or maybe even use a
different technique entirely that does not block? I tried whipping an
IOCTL statement on it, but I either did it wrong, or it does not work.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::Console;

my $STDIN = new Win32::Console(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);

# Un-buffer STDOUT.
select((select(STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]);

while (1)
  my @input = $STDIN->Input();
  if (defined $input[0] and $input[0] == 1)
    if ($input[1])
      last if $input[5] == 27;  # ESC key.
      if ($input[5] == 8) {print "\x08", ' ', "\x08"; next;}  #
Backspace key.
      print chr($input[5]);

As an aside, I think we need to get more traffic on this list somehow.

Barry Brevik
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