I have a real head scratcher trying to exclude directories with File::Find:Rule 
version 0.32.

I have made a small test directory on my Windows XP machine with the following 
two files:

D:\My Documents\projects\dave\test\log.txt
D:\My Documents\projects\dave\test\84_33 (Kland, Dan)\test.pl

I want to exclude the Kland directory and just return log.txt (I know I can set 
the depth of the find - this is just an illustrative problem for a much larger 
directory structure).

Here is my test program:

use File::Find::Rule;
use strict 'vars';

my $rule =  new File::Find::Rule ();
my @exclude = (qr/Kland, Dan/);

my @files = $rule->file->in('D:\My Documents\projects\dave\test');

foreach my $file (@files) {
   print STDERR "$file\n";

It works as it should, only returning log.txt

However if I make certain changes to the exclude regex it fails (i.e., the 
program runs fine but returns both files, including test.pl which it should 

This works: my @exclude = (qr/\(Kland, Dan\)/);
This works: my @exclude = (qr/84_33/);
So does this (with a space at the end): my @exclude = (qr/84_33 /);
This does not: my @exclude = (qr/84_33 \(Kland, Dan\)/);
This doesn't work either (adding a single space in front): my @exclude = (qr/ 
\(Kland, Dan\)/);
And this crashes with a lengthy File::Find::Rule compile error: my @exclude = 
(qr/84_33 \(/);

So, it's not the spaces, it's not the parentheses, it's ... something.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong, or at least replicate the problem?


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