I'm having trouble with Win32::LookupAccountSID() and I was hoping
someone has experience with this function. I'm dragging user SIDs out of
the registry under HKEY_USERS. Then I specify our domain controller as
the "system" parameter (though I've tried both using a local machine,
empty string and undef). I've tried taking out the {} and the dashes in
every permutation and I still get the error "The security ID structure
is invalid."

Here is what I'm doing:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32;

my $usersid = '{S-1-5-21-1406052347-744958519-16733337701-1424}';

my $accountname = '';
my $siddomain   = '';
my $sidtype     = '';
Win32::LookupAccountSID("qbert", $usersid, $accountname, $siddomain,
print "error......: ", Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError()),

Barry Brevik

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