On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Dave Horner <d...@thehorners.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I found this address from the following:
> http://vlsicad.ucsd.edu/Resources/SoftwareLinks/ActivePerl/Perl-Win32/perlwin32faq12.html
> I am looking for guidance on how to use Win32::OLE qw(in) on multiple 
> platforms.
> It works fine on windows, but on other platforms, I'd like the code to
> not be used.
> I tried using tricks like:
> eval 'require Win32::OLE qw( in )';
> if ($@) {
> But I am still getting:
> Array found where operator expected at myscript.pm line 1693, at end of line
>         (Do you need to predeclare in?)
> Which is coming from the line:
>         my @drivelist=$objnet->EnumNetworkDrives();
>         foreach my $value (in @drivelist) {
> inside of the if ($@) { block, which I was hoping wouldn't be compiled
> and checked on non-win32 platforms.
> Any suggestions on how I go about defining in or properly
> conditionally including Win32::OLE and it's in definition.

You need to make sure that the Perl compiler understands that 'in' is a function
and not a bareword.  You can do this by either adding this line to
your file (before
you make any calls to 'in'):

    sub in;

Or you can write all calls to in() with parenthesis:

    foreach my $value (in(@drivelist)) {

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