On 21 December 2012 06:30, Greg Aiken <gai...@visioninfosoft.com> wrote:

> #if one desires to pass a scalar reference into a sub-routine,
> #the easiest way to assign a local scalar to the contents of the scalar
> reference is...
> subroutine(\$scalar);
> sub subroutine {
>    my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]};  #note you need the {} brackets, or
> this doesn't work!
>    print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
> }
> #if one desires to pass an array reference into a sub-routine,
> #the easiest way to assign a local array to the contents of the array
> reference is...
> subroutine(\@array);
> sub subroutine {
>    my @subroutine_array = @{$_[0]};  #note you need the {} brackets, or
> this doesn't work!
>    print "in subroutine: " . join(' ', @subroutine_array) . "\n";
> }
> #if one desires to pass a hash reference into a sub-routine,
> #the easiest way to assign a local hash to the contents of the hash
> reference is...
> subroutine(\%hash);
> sub subroutine {
>    my %subroutine_hash = %{$_[0]};  #note you need the {} brackets, or
> this doesn't work!
>    print "in subroutine: " . join(' ', keys (%subroutine_hash)) . "\n";
> }
> all above works fine and is easy for me to understand.  its below that im
> having difficulty with...
> #seeing the 'pattern' of behavior for $, @, % variable types...
> #i, not knowing any better, assumed the same should also be able to be
> done for & (subroutines)
> #i therefore tried a test to see if i could assign a new subroutine to
> equal a de-referenced subroutine reference
> #i literally copied the same code as used above, but used the & operator
> instead of ($, @, %)
> #this did not give the expected result...  perl reported:
> #hello CODE(0x237dbc)
> #Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call at D:\_junk\TEST.PL line 6.
> sub subroutine {
>    print "hello @_\n"
> }
> sub2(\&subroutine);
> sub sub2 {
>    &sub3 = &{$_[0]};  #problem is obviously here with this line, seems its
> not being dereference
>    sub3('world');
> }

It's more like:

use strict;
use warnings;

sub subroutine
    print "hello @_\n";

sub2( \&subroutine );

sub sub2
    my $sub3 = shift;


Typically you assign from subroutine parameters straight away rather than
use @_ implicitly.

Anyway, if you're on this path a recommended read is

A definite cure for the seasonal hangovers . . .

Just in
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