>   "Ben Hambidge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>at    05/24/2000 03:22 AM

>I have the following condition:

>if ( $x =~ /^[one|two|three|four]/ ) { ...}

I think you mean /^(?:one|two|three|four)/

>However, I would like to test for values in an array; for example:
>@array = ( "one", "two", "three", "four" );

>Can I now write the regexp to pull out the values of the array instead,
>making the regexp flexible depending on the values in the array at the

my @array = qw(one two three four);
my @patterns = map { qr/^$_/ } @array;

foreach (@patterns) {
        something() if $string =~ /$_/;

Grant Hopwood.
Valero Energy Corp.
PGP Public Key: Ldap://certserver.pgp.com

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