khizar wrote:
> hi guys
> i am trying to read a  file <FILEHANDLE>
> before this i use the foll code
> if (-B $filepath) {binmode FILEHANDLE;}
> while (<FILEHANDLE>)
> {
>   rest of stuff;
> }
> this code works fine for all files EXCEPT  PDF files where it fails to
> detect the PDF file as binary file and hence binmode (FILEHANDLE) is not
> executed

As far as the file tests are concerned, PDF is not binary, anymore than
HTML or RTF is.  Open up a PDF file in notepad and you'll see what I


99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code.
Fix one bug, compile again, 100 little bugs in the code.
100 little bugs in the code, 100 bugs in the code.
Fix one bug, compile again, 101 little bugs in the code...

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