Hi There,

I'm running up against a problem that's a little tricky.  I've used the Chart.pm module to make a nice little CGI program that spits out an inline PNG on a page when called through an image tag like so:

<img src=""cgi/inline.plx?trace=<%=$trace%>>
Even as an ISAPI CGI script, however, the performance is suffering.  My thought was that I could rewrite it as part of a pure (i.e. no CGI) ASP page and improve performance.  (The CGI program gets data from an ADO recordset, so each time it's called the connection is opened and closed) I'm stuck, however, on how to generate the inline png without resorting to a CGI or a temporary file.  (I know that I could do this with mod_perl on apache, but I'm stuck on Windows 2000).  So I guess the first question is whether implementing my code in ASP instead of a CGI will really speed things up, and second, whether there's a way to generate a gif on an ASP page and return it as part of that page.

Thanks in advance!

Chris Russo

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