Brož Jiří wrote:

> 1. Your file contains \r\r\n (\015\015\012) sequences. It occurs when a file with 
>"\r\n"s is read into Perl script some "binary way" and then written out in a text 
>mode. In text mode all "\n" are changed to "\r\n" (and so "\r\n" are changed to 

Not that I saw - it contains \r\n as normal when downloaded via the Perl script
URL he provided.

> 2. The file contains some HTML tags and "tag-like" parts too. The IE forces to parse 
>it as HTML then for M$ applications use to think they are ever smarter then you are.  
> If you want to show *this* file like is *intended* (not like it realy is) you have 
>to use something like this:
> if (open TXT1,"G:/Dropbox/SMatte/WebRoot/test/bs.txt") {
>       $buffer = join '', (<TXT1>);
>       $buffer =~ s/<([^>]+)>/&lt;$1&gt;/g;    # it converts tags to text
>       $buffer =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;         # "\r\r\n" are changed back to "\r\n" if the 
>file is read in text mode
>       print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>       print "<pre>$buffer</pre>"; # white spaces are preserved 
> }

In Windoze, the \r\n is converted to \n on reading and back to \r\n on writing
(assuming you are not in binary mode), so there should be no need for the s/// above.

   ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert   ICQ=14439852
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-/-' /___/_<_</_</_     Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic

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