Chad Wallace wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been trying to get a file upload to work.  I was first using, but it was 
>giving me problems, and I couldn't figure it out.  
> I decided to switch to CGI::Lite, and the uploads seemed to work.  However, they 
>never were working.  The $form->{'upload'} variable was simply returning the name of 
>the file on the client machine, which just happened to be the server machine... so 
>when I opened the file, it was opening the original file, and bypassing the upload 
>entirely.  Of course, when I then tried to upload something from another machine, it 
>wouldn't work.
> Now, I changed my script to use a filehandle instead of a filename, and put in 
>"$cgi->set_file_type('handle')" before the parse_form_data...  But it still returns 
>the CLIENT-SIDE FILENAME in $form->{'upload'}, which gives an error when I try to use 
>it as a filehandle!!
> 'upload' is the name of my <input type=file>.  Is there another, undocumented, 
>method to access the filehandles of uploaded files?
> Any ideas here?

Looks to me like CGI-Lite has Win32 bugs in it.  I made the following changes and it 
seemed to work:

 > use vars qw(&print_form_data &print_cookie_data);     # $Bill 5/13/02
 >     binmode STDIN;    # $Bill 05/13/02
<                     $self->{web_data}->{$field} = $new_name;
 >                     if ($seen->{$field} > 1) {        # $Bill 05/13/02
 >                       push @{$self->{web_data}->{$field}}, $new_name; # $Bill
 >                   } else {    # $Bill 05/13/02
 >                       $self->{web_data}->{$field} = $new_name;
 >                   }   # $Bill 05/13/02
 >                     binmode $handle;  # $Bill 05/13/02
 >         binmode $handle;      # $Bill 05/13/02 (may not be needed)

RCS format:

a466 2
use vars qw(&print_form_data &print_cookie_data);

a980 1
     binmode STDIN;
d1064 2
a1065 5
                     if ($seen->{$field} > 1) {  # $Bill 05/13/02
                         push @{$self->{web_data}->{$field}}, $new_name;
                     } else {
                         $self->{web_data}->{$field} = $new_name;
a1071 1
                     binmode $handle;
a1159 1
         binmode $handle;

My test script (Win98/Apache) - handles mult file uploads:

#!perl -w --

use strict;
use File::Copy;
use CGI::Lite;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1;

my $tmpdir = "C:/temp";         # place to store files - change me if you like
my $use_rename = 1;             # set to use rename instead of file copy
my $use_tmpfilename = 0;        # use tmpFileName method (not working in 2.752)
my $d = 0;                      # set to 1 for debug prints
$| = 1 if $d;

sub print_error;

# Sample calling form:

# <FORM METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="/cgi-bin/">
#   File to upload<INPUT TYPE="FILE" NAME="filename" SIZE=32>
#   File to upload<INPUT TYPE="FILE" NAME="filename" SIZE=32>
...    more of above if needed
# </FORM>

# output content header

        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
         use CGI::Carp qw(carpout fatalsToBrowser);
         &carpout (\*STDOUT);

# get filename args

my $cgi = new CGI::Lite or die "new CGI: $!\n";
$cgi->set_platform ('UNIX');    # PC|UNIX|Mac line endings (I use UNIX on PC)
$cgi->set_file_type ('handle'); # 'handle' or 'file'
$cgi->add_timestamp (1);        # 0=noTS, 1=TS all files, 2=TS only if exists
$cgi->set_directory ($tmpdir) or die "set_directory($tmpdir) error: $!";

my %F = $cgi->parse_form_data;
$d = 1 if $F{debug};
print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%F], [qw(%F)]) if $d;

my @filename = $cgi->get_multiple_values($F{filename}); # must match form name
print "<P><B>\@filename=@filename</B></P>\n" if $d;
&print_error ("Missing filename arg\n") if @filename < 1;

# start HTML

print <<EOD;
<H1>Results of file upload</H1>


# do for each file to upload

foreach (@filename) {

        # skip empty slots

        next if length $_ < 1;

        # extract just the filename

        print "<P><B>filename=$_</B></P>\n";
        (my $file = $_) =~ s/^.*?([^\\\/]+)$/$1/;
        my $tmppath = "$tmpdir/$file";
        print "<P><B>file=$file, tmppath=$tmppath</B></P>\n" if $d;

        # check file size on disk

        my $size = -s $tmppath;

        print "<P><B>File '$_' uploaded to '$tmppath', size=$size</B></P>\n";

print <<EOD;


exit 0;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub print_error {

print <<EOD;

exit 0;


#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


   ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert   ICQ=14439852
  (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles   Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   / ) /--<  o // // (Free site for Perl)
-/-' /___/_<_</_</_     Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic

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