Hello list,

I have a module that encapsulates the mapping of a drive letter to a remote share and copying a local file to the remote share. It works just fine when used from the command line, however, when run from a CGI within IIS it complains (probably quite rightly) about a specfied session not existing.

It is the AddConnection() call that is failing below. From what I can glean from the documentation, the fourth parameter (set here to 0) is a reference to a suitable connection, but I don't know how to set that up. Any ideas or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.


package Remote::Filecopy;

use strict;
use warnings;

use constant SHARE_NAME => '\\\\a\\b';
use constant USER_NAME  => 'user';
use constant PASSWORD   => 'pw';

use Carp qw/ carp croak /;
use Win32::NetResource qw/ GetUNCName AddConnection CancelConnection /;
use Win32API::File qw/ CopyFile fileLastError /;

use Exporter;
use vars qw/ @ISA @EXPORT_OK $VERSION /;
@ISA     = qw/ Exporter /;
$VERSION = '0.1';

my $SHARE = {
    RemoteName => SHARE_NAME,
    LocalName  => undef,

push @EXPORT_OK, 'filecopy';
sub filecopy {
    my %args = @_;
    if( not defined $SHARE->{LocalName} ) {
        $SHARE->{LocalName} = free_drive_letter();
        if( not AddConnection( $SHARE, PASSWORD, USER_NAME, 0 )) {
            croak "share connection error:\n", win32err();
    CopyFile( $args{from}, "$SHARE->{LocalName}$args{to}", 0 )
or carp "copy of [$args{from}] to [$SHARE->{LocalName}$args{to}] failed: "
            . fileLastError() . "\n";

sub free_drive_letter {
    my $drive;
    for my $letter ('f' .. 'z' ) {
        my $mapped;
        $drive = "$letter:";
        GetUNCName( $mapped, $drive );
        return $drive if not $mapped;
    croak "All network drive letters (F: .. Z:) are in use\n";

    if( defined $SHARE->{LocalName} ) {
        if( not CancelConnection( $SHARE->{LocalName}, 0, 1 )) {
            carp "disconnection error:\n", win32err();

sub win32err {
    my $err;

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