I thought twice about sending this, mostly from the "should I contribute more to the signal/noise damage I've created", but wanted to clarify:

 * The smiley at the end was intentional and deliberate; without
   it, it makes me seem upset. With it, I hoped to express only
   that "it wasn't cool" not "OHMIGOD! PERL4LIB IS EVIIIIILLL!".
   The "name-calling" was not meant to be knife-in-the-back,
   but a poke-in-the-rib.

 * My take on spam is jovial, not anger, something I've written
   about before: http://www.disobey.com/dnn/2003/01/index.shtml#001433
   In re-reading, I still agree with everything I said.

 * The fact that I got a spam on something I'm interested in
   should make me happy - it is, in fact, something I'm interested
   in (I like movies, I want to know about new movies; I like magazines,
   I want more free subscriptions; I'm researching cataloging, bring
   on the catalog emails). The fact that it was unsolicited (and
   HTML) were the only negatives.

 * My initial question ("has anyone else gotten...") was intended
   as a gauge to the level of unsolicited: if EVERYONE had seen
   something from this guy, then it was probably a web scrape
   of some sort (as Ed suggested). But the exact targeting
   of the email to my question suggested a more focused,
   human-controlled-yet-automated mailing (suggesting also
   a designed-for-this-purpose application, or a mailing list
   or archive reader/lurker). I wouldn't have sent an email
   *whatsoever* if I had received something that said "hey
   morbus, saw your question $here. look at $this! only
   $price for $x months! yeah, baby, yeah!".

With that said to sandwich my public OT, I'll hush on the matter -
continued discussion, if any, is welcome to email me privately.

-- Morbus Iff ( i put the demon back in codemonkey ) Culture: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.gamegrene.com/ My book, Spidering Hacks: http://amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596005776/ icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / jabber.org: morbus

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