On 12/7/03 10:04 PM, "Eric Lease Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you tell me how to construct a particular Z39.50 query? Specifically, how
> do I create a Library of Congress card number search or a MARC tag 001 search?


In order to construct a Z39.50 query for LC control number (e.g.,
2002012345), transmit the Use attribute value "9".  This will map to
appropriate internal searches.  We support either a keyword or a
left-anchored LCCN search.  Therefore, your intersite query will be
supported if it contains only the Use attribute (we'll default to a keyword
search), or you could also include additional attributes.  Several examples

     Use     Relation  Position  Structure  Truncation  Completeness
     ------  --------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------------
      9        none     none       none       none         none
      9         3         3         2          100           1
      9         3         1         1            1           1
      9        none       3        none       none         none
      9        none       1        none       none         none

With regard to the MARC 001 search (i.e., local control number -- Voyager
record ID), our server supports this if you transmit Use attribute value
"12".  *HOWEVER*, there is a bug in Voyager servers that you need to know
about.  If your application maintains a connection (i.e., is not stateless),
Use attribute "12" will break subsequent searches in the session.  The
record requested by the local control number search (e.g., 123456) will be
returned correctly, but all subsequent searches in the session will return
the same record.  I'd recommend using the LCCN search instead.

Larry E. Dixson                    Internet:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Development and MARC
   Standards Office, LM639
Library of Congress                Telephone: (202) 707-5807
Washington, D.C.  20540-4402       Fax:       (202) 707-0115

Larry's answer was perfect. All I have do to is hack my script like this for
LC Card Number search:

  # initialize a z39.50 query
  my $query = "[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1=9 " . pop();

Or this for a Voyager control number (key) search:

  # initialize a z39.50 query
  my $query = "[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1=12 " . pop();

To make this happen I will add a couple of switches to the command-line
input, and I'm set.

Cool! These new fangled Internet and mailing list things work great!!

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

P.S. To whomever passed my original query along to Larry, I say, "Thank

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