>I'm using as_string() in Marc::Batch to get 650 fields and mash all the
subfields together so I can push them into a database. 
>Works great, but what I'd really like to do is have fields such as:

>"Health Services Canada."

>appear as

>"Health Services -- Canada."

For the time being, I've decided to go the regexp route.  It looks like
this works:

        # dump 'em out as pretty-print
        my $category = $localsubject->as_formatted();
        # strip off the 6xx and indicators
        $category =~ s/6..\b.*_a//g;
        # collapse subfields into single line with dashes
        $category =~ s/\s*\n\s*_[xvz]/ -- /g;


Education / Electronic Resources Librarian
New England College of Optometry Library

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