Our sysadmin just got mrc2xml.pl installed for me and I'm trying to work
with it. Have a coupla questions, if anyone can help.

First, I thought, upon reading the documentation, that it would product
xml output of bib records according to the current Library of Congress
standard. But I don't think it does; when I match up the basic data
element names from the mrc2xml.pl output with an LoC stylesheet, such as
the MARC21toMODS stylesheet, nothing matches. The root element is
different, the way fields are handled and indicators are identified,
etc., don't match at all. Is there some other description file I should
be using with mrc2xml.pl to produce standard output? Or perhaps I should
say LoC standard output.

Second (may be moot now because of 1, but I'll need it eventually) I
thought I could just pop a reference to the
stylesheet into the xml and have the xml source file display in MODS.
But when I tried to add a reference to it, thus:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
I get:
Access is denied. Error processing resource

Anne L. Highsmith
Consortia Systems Coordinator
5000 TAMU
Evans Library
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX   77843-5000
979-845-6238 (fax)

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