On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 08:56:06AM -0500, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:
> Alas, MARC::Field says I need to include a subfield in the SYS field, 
> but that is not what I want. I want the SYS field to contain no 
> indicators nor subfields. I want it to be just like normal MARC tags 
> with values less than 010.
> Besides the fact that the addition of a field named SYS may be a 
> "feature" of my integrated library system, how can I add such a field 
> to my data?

As you already have found from your experiment, it's not currently
possible. Does anyone on the list know if the MARC standard indicates
how non integer tags should behave: as control fields (<010) or regular
fields (>010)? Ashley are you still here? :-)

Also is there any reason why your SYS field can't have blank indicators? Or
does your ILS not support this? 


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