Does anybody (Andy Lester ?) know of any documentation on the read rules,
parse rules functions in - I've looked at the code which has some
useful comments, but some aspects still escape me.

I'd like to adopt a similar approach as I develop my customised Lint checks
- if any one out there has some examples of a similar OO rule-based approach
or documentation of same I'd be very interested.

Ian H.

PS The MARC modules are really great, not only functionally but also as
examples of Perl OOP style. I'm finding them very useful in my day to day

Ian Hamilton 
Library Systems Administrator 
European Commission - Directorate General for Education and Culture
EAC D3 - Central Library Unit
 +32-2-295.24.60 (direct phone)
 +32-2-299.91.89 (fax) 

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