>Bryan wrote: Your modifications look interesting
>I would suggest you post about them on the Perl4Lib discussion list

Following your suggestion I'm copying our recent corresponence on this to
the list.
Like you I need a bit of time to implment my ideas on this - we're just
about to launch into a major migration after selection of a new ILMS.

My intention is to reimplement your AACR2 043, 245, 260, 300 et al. field
and subfield checks via a modified version of Lint.pm with an extended rule
set (this will involve modification to the parsing of rules) + code to
indicate the next subfield, etc. As far as possible only cross-field checks
would be implemented via the custom check_xxx routines (which would pass a
Record object reference for this purpose).

This should facilitate maintenance/extension of the detailed AACR data
checking you've contributed.
When I've implemented this I'll post it to the list.

Examples of the lines I'm thinking along (based on your checks):

[Field level rules for 245]


[NextSubfield rules]
LastCharsBeforeSubfield=c='/'           # 245
LastCharsBeforeSubfield=a=' ;'  # 260
LastCharsBeforeSubfield=c=','           # 260
LastCharsBeforeSubfield=b=' :'  # 300
LastCharsBeforeSubfield=c=' ;'  # 300
LastCharsBeforeSubfield=e=' +'  # 300

[SubfieldLength rules]
MinLength=7                                     # 043
MaxLength=7                                     # 043

Regards, Ian
Ian Hamilton 
Library Systems Administrator
European Commission - Directorate General for Education and Culture 
EAC D3 - Central Library Unit 
* +32-2-295.24.60 (direct phone) 
* +32-2-299.91.89 (fax)
*  http://europa.eu.int/eclas/

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Baldus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 4:53 PM
To: HAMILTON Ian (EAC); Bryan Baldus
Cc: BREAM Carol (EAC)
Subject: RE: Customising MARC::Lint & LintAdditions/ErrorChecks

Your modifications look interesting. I would suggest you post about them on
the Perl4Lib discussion list or contact Andy Lester? (and Ed Summers?)
directly to see about having the changes to Lint integrated into the
official version. I am interested in joining the MARC::Record developers,
but am still waiting for more information about that. I've been working on
other things lately, so I haven't had time yet to rework Lintadditions to
fit into Lint. Perhaps by the end of the year.

Thank you,

Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: Customising MARC::Lint & LintAdditions/ErrorChecks


I've been working on customisng Lint.pm via a package I've called MyLint -
quite a few of the checks are based on the data validation logic in your
Lintadditions/ErrorChecks packages.
This is work in progress, but I'm already keeping you informed in case the
OOP perl approach is relevant to your work.

My implementation approach has been to modify Lint.pm as follows:

sub check_record

- I added a call a routine (for every field) to do leading/trailing space,
repeated spaces, commas, etc. checks 
  (aacr_checker: defined in MyLint.pm - the name is not very logical - just
the first thing I thought of)
        my $aacr_checker = 'aacr_check'; 
        if ( $self->can( $aacr_checker ) ) {

- two modifs to the calling of custom check_XXX functions:
        (NB The first modifn. is only necessary if no rules have been
defined for these control fields, 
        so this should disappear when I've had time to look more closely at
your control field rules)
        1) Repositioned before the following line
                my $tagrules = $rules->{$tagno} or next;
          within loop to allow e.g. check_008
        2) I've added an additional argument to the check_xxx calls: the
MARC::Record object ref
           to allow cross-field checking, while remaining within the Lint
          This allows you to do $record->filed('yyy') calls within the
check_xxx routine.
# call custom checks here to allow checks on fields without rules 
# add MARC::Record object ref to allow cross-field checking
                # Check to see if a check_xxx() function exists, and call it
on the field if it does
                my $checker = "check_$tagno";
                if ( $self->can( $checker ) ) {
                        $self->$checker($marc, $field);
# </MODIF>

You'll find attached:

marclint.pl which uses a MARC::MyLint object (inheriting from the Lint
class) to do the checking and write out an HTML report
Lint.pm (modifications are indicated as shown above)

Best Regards, Ian Hamilton (I'm on holiday until Nov. 9th so may not be able
to respond quickly to emails before then)

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