is a shell script that facilitates discovery of the Oracle-Perl
environment on a Unix (Solaris) system [1].  I distribute an open-source
Perl application that incorporates a DBI/DBD::Oracle connection.  The
users that implement the application generally (but not always) have the
requisite DBI/DBD modules but also often have multiple
instances/versions of Perl installed.  When those users have database
connection problems, the first thing I do is try to sort out exactly
what Perl/Oracle components they do and don't have available on their
system.  This can be time consuming since I don't have access to their
systems.  This utility was designed to output the information that I
usually ask users to provide and I now include it with my application

If anybody else thinks they can get any use out of it, they are welcome
to use and/or modify it.


-- Michael

# Michael Doran, Systems Librarian
# University of Texas at Arlington
# 817-272-5326 office
# 817-688-1926 cell

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